Best Wordpress Hosting Providers
All three hosts offer FREE 1-click Wordpress installs making them the best Wordpress hosting providers.
HostMetro Review:
We have been reviewing web hosting providers for five years now and we have tested andencountered many different web hosts. When reviewing a hosting provider and providing rankings we look for hosts that are customer centered and offer rates, support, and bonuses that benefit their customers. Although I get a chance to review hundreds of hosting companies very rarely is there a new host that comes out of no-where that blows me away!
In the five years that I have been reviewing hosts maybe one or two times TOTAL have I seen a host and think, “WOW!” this host is offering an amazing deal and is going to blow away theircompetitors! Honestly, when I first encounteredHostMetro I thought just that! Let me outline and review what I feel makes this host the only logic choice when looking for hosting.
Exceptional Pricing: Anytime you get a shared web hosting account for under five bucks you are getting a good deal. The normal standard rate for HostMetro is $2.45 a month (which is AMAZING); however, here lately they have aloud us to give our readers their first six months of hosting for only #1.95/month! All you have to do to take advantage of this special rate is click on one of our HostMetro links!
**LOCKED IN RATES**:Ok folks!! This is where I was blown away. Most shared web hosting providers will offer you a special rate on hosting for the initial purchase; however, when it comes time to renew your hosting (a year or two down the road), they instantly increase your rate to almost $10 a month! Some of us in the marketing world call this “Bait & Switch”… Personally, I am not a fan of this marketing strategy and think it is somewhat dishonest; HOWEVER, 99/100 hosts use this strategy.
I FELL IN LOVE with HostMetro when I researched their site and saw that they did not practice this strategy! When you sign up for hosting with HostMetro youpermanentlylock in the exclusive $2.45/month rate FOREVER!!! Regardless of industry changes, the economy, or anything else, you can sleep at night knowing this company will NEVER raise your rates! Check out the MetroMax Guarantee for Yourself:
Unlimited Disk Space & Bandwidth:Many hosts limit customers on the amount of bandwidth and disk space they can use once they sign up for a hosting account! The host will then charge users with crazy overages fees and leaves customers feeling nervous each month about what their hosting fees will look like. With HostMetro you won’t have to worry about this! HostMetro provides their users with unlimited disk space and bandwidth so you will never have to worry about getting charged for overages again!
Customer Service:Any time you purchase a product you can expect that at one time or another you are going to need help or support. Although HostMetro advertises and guarantees 99.9% server uptime they still have an amazing customer support service that can quickly help you through any issue that you may face. HostMetro customer service is available 24/7!
Final Analysis:
In my professional opinion HostMetro now offers customers one of, if not the top, shared web hosting package available! In all aspects of the hosting (including freebies) HostMetro EXCEEDS or matches all other shared web hosting providers on the web! What really sets them apart from other hosts and why I HIGHLY recommend you sign up for hosting with them is because of their guarantee to LOCK in your hosting rate! Other hosts do no offer this and this can save you TONS in the future!
written by mangoorange
I can 100% that in the very near future Bluehost, one of the web’s best shared hosting provides will be launching additional services to users including VPS web hosting and dedicated web hosting.
Sources within Bluehost have said the company is company building all of the servers and have already placed many of them in their state-of-the-ark datacenter in Provo, Utah.
Bluehost’s management on September 27 uploaded this picture to their Facebook page playing around with their followers saying, “I saw something new while walking through the data center today.”
I can confirm that this image is indeed a picture of their servers that will be used exclusively for their brand new dedicated and vps services.
Bluehost has long been recognized as one of the best web hosting providers in the world due to their exceptional customer support, amazing features, and of course being able to offer all of this at an amazing price point! With our Bluehost promo link, users can currently purchase a shared web hosting account for only $3.49 a month.
Earlier this year we were first to announce that Bluehost would be launching their reseller web hosting program and we are please to now be the first to announce the addition of their new dedicated and vps plans.
With Bluehost’s history of providing affordable hosting solutions I suspect the new vps web hosting and dedicated hosting plans will be priced VERYaffordablyand will allow them to directly compete with all major VPS and dedicated hosts. With the addition of these two new features Bluehost will be a complete full service hosting provider!
We will keep you posted with any updates regarding this topic; however, I suspect the new services will be launched within a month! Take a second and check out Bluehost’s website for the latest.
written by mangoorange
Just Host
Ok, so the title of this post is a little play on words, I would say there are several good web hosts out there on the web so I am not saying you have to exclusively host with just host; however, if you are looking for a reliable web hosting provider who will give you quality service and support I think you may actually want to consider purchasing you web hosting through Just Host.
When Just Host web hosting was first created it was located overseas and many people expressed concerns that support wasn’t quite up to par… I can now say, THAT HAS ALL CHANGED!!! The masters of web hosting Endurance Group International (the biggest network of web hosting sites in the world) recently acquired Just Host and have made some drastic changes that now make the company (in my opinion) one of if not the best web hosts in the world.
Let’s look at some of these changes…. First, as you know I believe Bluehost to be one of the better web hosting providers in the world and advertise them throughout this website. I am a fan of Bluehost because they have a top notch support team, reliable servers, and are located in the US. The owners of EGI decided it would be a smart decision (and I agree) to move all support and new hosting accounts that sign up with JUST HOST to the Bluehost headquarters.
So what did this do? This instantly/over night might Just Host web hosting one of the fastest, most reliable web hosting providers in the world. In fact, the average hold time for a support call is now under 1-minute! That is quite impressive!
Not only is just host a great web hosting provider but they also offer their hosting at a rate that really cannot be beat. Their current rate is only $3.50 a month which is cheaper than Bluehost’s $3.49 and in all reality you are getting the same servers and support as you would if you chose Bluehost. So with that being said, I thinks its fair to say that you should Just Host with Just Host.
written by mangoorange
Bluehost is a Great Alternative to GoDaddy Web Hosting!
For years I have been an avid critic of Godaddy and how they use their big name and sexy commercials to deceive unknowing web hosting beginners. Now, GoDaddy has really messed up by supporting the unpopular SOPA bill that has been rightfully opposed by tech giants. Hundreds of thousands of users are now boycotting Godaddy, as they continue to dig themselves in a deeper hole.
If your considering purchasing a domain or web hosting from GoDaddy.. Please stop now and save yourself lots of headaches in the future. I highly suggest instead that you choose Bluehost; in fact, if you use our exclusive promo link below you can get professional web hosting from Bluehost for only $3.49 a month. Can you tell.. I really don’t like Godaddy? Haha.
Editor’s note: Jonathan Burdon is the owner of several web hosting related sites including but not limited to: AlreadyHosting, MangoOrange, 110mb, and WebHostingServices. This article is intended to provide factual information but may also contain some personal opinions and thoughts of Mr. Burdon.
Hi readers, I am excited to be blogging with Christmas only 3 days away! This year has flown by and has brought with it many exciting changes in the hosting world. Today I want to discuss three web hosting headlines that took place in and discuss how each were game changing.
Headline #1: Endurance Group Acquires Bluehost
This was a huge headline that may have slipped under the radar for many; however, the story is big for many reasons. The endurance group is the owner of several large web hosting brands, including but most definitely not limited to: iPage, FatCow, Justhost, Hostmonster, FastDomain, iPower, and the list goes on-and-on. This company over the last few years have operated with one mindset… BUY out the competition!
The cool part about the Bluehost acquisition is that it pushed the Endurance group into the lead for hosting the most websites on the web… It is quite an accomplishment to say you are literally the biggest web hosting provider on the web. GoDaddy still remains the registrar with the most domains hosted; however, Endurance has mastered the hosting side of things. I have reviewed many web hosting companies in my day and I am very impressed by Endurance Brands, I am very shocked that they can maintain quality support with such fast growth… But they have done just that, so Endurance I applaud you!
With that being said, I am also a fan of competition. I believe that competition makes individuals and corporations work harder to improve the overall experience for the user (which is a good thing), so I would hate to see Endurance acquire many other large companies… Sure that may be a bit selfish of me, but I think having a HostGator out there to compete separately against EG cannot be a bad thing.
Overall, this was big news for the hosting world! I have several friends over at EG so I congratulate you guys on this big achievement!
Headline #2: Continuing Towards a World of Cloud!
The trend didn’t necessarily start this year but it definitely kicked into full gear over the past 12 months! Users are finding the cloud to be a much more flexible, fast, and reliable solution to host their websites and startups. Major companies like Apple are even allows their client base to back up important data like documents and phone numbers to the cloud.
Sure, compared to shared hosting and dedicated hosting the cloud is still just infant; however, mark it down that Jonathan Burdon predicts that in 5-10 years most every company will be making a shift to the wonderful world of the cloud! Or wait… Will the cloud be old news in 5-10 years? Who knows.. Don’t you just love how technology gets better with every second!
Headline #3: Massive move towards getting web hosting affiliates to follow FTC guidelines.
As one of the larger web hosting affiliates on the web this headline really intrigues me and quite frankly I think is a good thing. I will be the first to admit, before the FTC started cracking down really didn’t have any disclosures on it that said it received commission. I really wasn’t trying to deceive anyone, I honestly guess I didn’t see any harm in earning a commission by providing users with useful information as long as the user was not put out in any way.
With that being said, after a major crack down on affiliate sites in other industries, major web hosting providers took matters into their own hands. After discussing legalities with the FTC these web hosting companies came up with standard language and disclosures that should be listed throughout affiliate sites like mine (AlreadyHosting), the disclosures would tell readers that the site does receive commission for referrals and are independent of the hosting company itself.
When I was told that these notices needed to be added to my site, I actually had no problem with it… To me the more a user is informed the better decision they can make. My sites now have the disclosures and I didn’t see any drop in sales as a result of adding the extra language. I really feel good about this push for added disclosure, too many people have a misunderstanding and misconception of what affiliates do thus resulting in a negative view by many; however, reality is affiliate marketer are essentially the driving force of the entire online economy! Added disclosure is a win/win for users and the hosting company, so I give major shout outs to the hosting providers who led the charge!
Personal note from Jonathan Burdon: I hope you enjoyed this article discussing three news stories relating to the hosting industry! Some of these stories may have slipped under the radar, but I think they were all game changing and ultimately shifted the direction of the hosting industry in some way. I am excited to see what has in store!
written by mangoorange
So how can you find out whether a web host is trustworthy or not? Do you know what web hosting really is? I would say that there is nothing better than internet that we have today. Our daily lives are highly changed due to all those websites out there along with our culture as well; it has gotten more advanced, smarter, and easier. If you have ever planned to start your own website on the web; you might have also planned the content it will have and who will design it too by now. The only thing missing is getting a trustworthy web host.
If you want to have a website live on the internet you have to have it stored on a server somewhere (web hosting). The internet is a bunch of computers that are linked together so do not take it as a nebulous entity. Internet is simple and this is all what it really is. This is the reason why every website that you visit exists on some computer somewhere on the web. All those computers hosting all those websites are known as servers; they are highly expensive super computers. You will find them in racks located in every web hosting company's factory or operating facility.
I say that the main feature of every web host is that they are providing you with a place that is secure and safe for the storage of your website's data. If you are thinking that why can't your site just live on your own computer at your home? Well, you might be able to store your website but what about the web traffic? A lot of data needs to be stored that cannot be done without getting a web host. People would not be able to access your site if it is not connected to a server.
Always look for reputable web hosts that offer various packages with all types of web hosting. Remember, know what you need and what your requirements are; in web hosting, you can get something in excess but you can never get something below your exact need. A trustworthy and reliable web host would always be flexible with you and assist you at every point. You need to make sure that there are no hassles and high extra charges for switching packages in the future. Also, there technical support should be present 24 hours a day throughout the week. Always do your research and do not go with the very first web host offering an attractive plan.
written by mangoorange
You've been assigned a movie documentary for homework or for that important business presentation. It seems such a daunting task, but actually making an online movie for a course, presentation or workshop is easy. You just need the right tools.
When you decide to create a online course or workshop, you often find the need to capture live video, audio or screen recording. To do this you need certain apps or software tools. There are a number of audio and video tools out there to choose from, but sorting through the different features can be daunting. This could make you start a project, only to find that the tool you chose doesn't fit your needs and then you'll have to start all over again. That's why we've listed 10 top visual and audio tools for video workshops or presentations here.

- iMovie
This program allows you to turn your home Apple computer into a home video production machine and all you need is a few clicks. Fine-tune every clip and transition, edit color and audio. You can even fix shaky video here.
- Chirbit
A fun tool that allows you to record, upload and share voice and audio files. Just record your voice using a WebCam or microphone and upload the final version to your document or website.
When you need to record your screen, this tool works wonderfully and gives you several video editing options as well. It is user friendly and relatively inexpensive.
- Windows Movie Maker
Like iMovie, Windows movie maker allows you to edit feel easily, but works on your Windows-based device or PC.
- Vocaroo
This is an easy-to-use audio recording tool that allows you to use prerecorded files. They can be emailed, embedded and shared on social media sites.
- Camtasia
A simple tool that allows you to capture and edit your screen and PowerPoint presentations. You can upload your videos to the web and export in different formats. It is rather expensive at about $300, but it is one of the most complete screen capturing tools for both Windows and Mac.
- Screen-O-Matic
A cool tool that lets you record using your browser instead of using a downloaded application. It is free for both Windows or Mac users.
- CamStudio
This offers a program that can record all screen and audio activity on your Windows friendly computer or laptop. It can also create bandwidth friendly streaming flash videos, screen captions and annotations all for free.
- Audacity
Audacity is a free tool that is open source and cross-platform and allows you to record and edit sounds.
- Screenr
A web-based screen recorder with intuitive and easy to use controls. Just click the record button and it will automatically capture your screen voice.
Bottom Line
These software programs, many being browser-based, meaning you don't need to download them, can help you become a professional video maker. The preset themes and buttons allow you to easily make a professional looking video for any workshop or classroom.
written by mangoorange
Productivity apps have come into full swing now that more people use smartphones. These allow us to be more productive in work and in play. Unfortunately many of the new smartphones don't come with these basic apps already installed, and finding the best apps can be difficult because there are so many in the app store. To rev up your smartphone you can use a few of these top 10 productivity special apps.

- The Swizzle
The problem with email on smartphones is that it's cluttered with promotions that you just haven't gotten around to unsubscribing from. Swizzleshows you a list of all the newsletters, promotions and offers it finds. Then you can choose to unsubscribe or bundle them into a daily or weekly swizzle digest. Organizing your email according to watch want and what you don't want can save you hours of time.
productivity app that's been around for a few years but still gets many fans especially for its moment daily planner which helps you schedule tasks into your routine.
- Asana
More than just the to do list, Asana allows team members to collaborate, schedule and assign costs across projects.
- iA Writer
If you ever wanted to be able to write on your smartphone this is the app for you. iA writer strips everything out so you can just focus on the writing. No compulsive editing while writing.
- Timeful iPhone App
This is a wonderful outfit helps you find the time to do the things you want to do, without overriding the things you have to do it interface is clear, but best of all is that the more you use it the better it gets determining when you are most likely to do a task.
- Johnson & Johnson 7 Minute Workout
There are a lot of apps out there but this is one of my favorites for its efficiency. It is available on both iOS and the android and it's a free app that helps you break a quick sweat with an intensity level is right for you. Long workouts are certainly available but this is great for the person is always working.
- EasilyDo
It's hard to describe the exact functionality of this out because it does little bit of everything. And asking people to your address book, it posts happy birthday on your Facebook pages on the right day; it automatically sends a text message to your colleagues when you work late and tells you where your packages are from the point they are shipped. At $49.99 per year, this is like carrying a mobile secretary with you.
- Pocket
One of those apps that is essential as it allows you to keep track of all the articles you want to read when you're off-line.
- VSCO Cam
Turn your boring snapshots into arty photographs with this app. Then post them to your twitter, Facebook or Insta gram.
- Check
Keep track of all your bills, when there do and monitor your bank and credit card accounts.
written by mangoorange
Going off to college is exciting, it's a change in lifestyle but kids shouldn't forget what the real purpose is, that of studying.
Even so, leading a busy lifestyle, working, doing homework and studying for tests can be very difficult, especially when you're using the old traditional study and note taking methods; that's when life can become just too stressful; so instead of getting an A on that test, you end up failing. To keep this from happening, some of the smartest students use special apps to help them study and keep information fresh in their mind. To find out what these apps are, we conducted a recent interview of students across the nation, and these were the apps most recommended.

- Quizlet
A savvy tool that lets you create quizzes from any subject you want to study. It also helps you make flashcards and other study aids for just about any topic. Just creating the quiz and the flashcards helps you retain the information.
- Evernote
This is a useful app where you can share notes with friends and colleagues; synchronize documents with other users and other Microsoft documents; highlight certain areas and even turn your notes into a game to help you study.
- Google Doc
Google Docs offers an easy way to collaborate between several people. You can make notes and others can add to it, share them or edit. Google Docs are helpful when you do group study work.
- Simplemind
You'll never have a problem organizing your notes when you use Simplemind. This organizes your notes by making a spider diagram or mind map of them.
- Encore Study Platform
This is an app that lets you make flashcards and quizzes. The act of preparing the materials helps you remember the information, then you can create study games with friends.
- Studyblue
Here you can search and find relevant content for the subject you're looking for. You can make your own flashcards with audio and images and create quizzes and designs to review. You can also take self-assessment tests and receive scores.
- Margins
An app that lets you take notes from books and then organize them by the book and the page number.
- Sheppards Software
This is game software in a variety of subjects including History, Math and English. Game levels differ starting from beginner to advanced.
- Sparknotes
This is an app that allows you to refresh the idea of global warming test. It provides a plot summary, analysis of key points, character descriptions and even a few quotes. It's like the old Cliffnotes books.
- Dropbox
This app allows you to place assignments and documents all in one central location so everyone can access it. Collaborative members can edit, add information, notes, images and more to a Dropbox folder.
The use of some or all of these tools can make studying less stressful and more efficient. Don't forego these tools. While,it may seem like you're losing time by taking these notes, just the act of writing down helps keep the information fresh in your mind.
written by mangoorange
Finding apps for teens is a bit of a conundrum, as you have to decide on whether these are safe enough, non-violent and promote safe Internet surfing. There are tons of apps out there, and while fun, most are probably not as educational or as safe as you would want them to be. So we went out to test several of the apps out there and came up with 10 that both you and your teen will love.

TUMBLR is adicting, and it can be educational. At least you can get your teen to read other blogs by other teens and maybe even write their own. This promotes both reading and writing skills, but also allows teens to identify with other teens that deal with some of the same issues.
2. Math Bingo
A fun Bingo game that gets your teens to practice their basic math skills. This is an app that is appropriate for younger teens who need more practice with basic math concepts. The multiplication drills, additions and subtractions can keep your teen practicing his/her basic math skills for hours on end.
3. Sound Uncovered
This is a virtual exhibit of sound where a user makes a recording and then learns how his brain interprets it. Fiddle around with the controls until it makes sense and your teen will learn a little science.
4. Presidents Vs. Aliens
Wouldn't you love for your kids to know about past presidents like they know the names of their favorite game characters? Download this app and your teen will be able to name the 27th president as well as who occupied office during the Louisiana purchas. For some reason kids love to fling president's heads at invading aliens. This is a real stress reliever too.
5. MindSnacks
If you can make it to level 5 you probably know a lot of vocabulary in a foreign language. Teens practice quick reflexes but also need to know vocabulary words in the language they choose to learn.
6. Khan Academy
You can always access this academy through a web browser or on YouTube, but when you install the app, you get math, science and history lessons, all placed in fun games and quizzes.
Kids want something cartoon like? BrainPOP can be the answer. This is a free app that allow Tim and Moby, cartoon characters to explain math, science and history through animation.
8. uMentioned
Juicy stories, secrets, thoughts and funny moments shared by students from their own campus. This may not be appropriate for younger teens but might work well with teens that are about 16 to 17.
9. Voxer
This is a walkie-talkie like app that allows users to share short voice notes. This is another app for the tween or younger teenager who still wants to play like a kid. They share the info much like a walkie-talkie. Users can also share images and texts.
10. Instagram
As usual Instagram makes the cut again this year. It is still as popular as ever and kids love to share their photos and news feeds here.
written by mangoorange
We all know that the average Internet surfer has an attention span of about 8 seconds. That's not that long. In fact, a gold fish has a longer attention span (about 9 seconds). As a website owner you want people to stay on your website as long as possible and be engaged, maybe even buy your product or service. So how do you do it? You create eye-catching presentations. Here are 10 software tools that help you create eye-catching presentations to add to your website.

- GoAnimate
Create animated videos with this app. Assemble predesigned bacgrounds and animated pictures then upload your logo, audio and maybe even video. Then distribute it through YouTube.
- Haiku Deck
This is an app for the Apple iPad, which lets you create pie charts, bar graphs and stats easily using drag and drop controls. There are preformatted themes and millions of photographs you can use.
- Prezi
Consider using Prezi for presntations. This app doesn't move from slide to slide but in mindmap form, according to the flow you want for your presentation. The software lets you zoom in and out as needed to present your ideas.
- SmartDraw
This is a great app for flow and organizational charts. It's also great for floor plans and diagrams. Use visuals in Google Docs, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Visio.
- ThingLink
This lets you create images and context of all sorts. You can include audio and videos, as well as text from resources. It's like placing captions within a photograph, so that when you mouse over the image the content becomes visible.
- PowToon
Get an entire suite of animated characters and templates to create special effects presentations. The presentation looks so professional it draws your audiences attention and they will think that a professional designer created it.
- RawShorts
An easy to use video editing app that draws characatures. Use a preset short film and just add your business information; or create your own. The interface is very simple to use and there are tutorials to help you along. Diffferent pricing options are available, including a free version.
- Sparkol VideoScribe
One of the first animation video editing software applications available, but still popular among users. This is software that sketches out characters or images for the audience. It brings a story to life in just a few seconds. It works well for online presentations, not necessarily as well for live presentations.
Offers a great app for slide presentations. This tool creates perfect looking presentations that don't require special effects or animation. You do need to have great images as there aren't templtes available here but it is HTML5 based so it integrates with movable gifs.
- SlideShark
A powerful presentation app that lets you make presentations out of PDFs, HTML files and web pages, all from your smartphone or tablet. It also offers support for PowerPoint and offers social sharing options.
written by mangoorange