All three hosts offer FREE 1-click Wordpress installs making them the best Wordpress hosting providers.
There are obviously *major advantages* of having your very own dedicated web server. Some of the advantages include: faster servers, the ability to handle more traffic, more control over the server, and having the ability to have your own unique I.P. address. It is true that dedicated web hosting is significantly more expensive than shared hosting; however, if you have the money to invest and truly want a reliable server - I would highly suggest that you choose a dedicated web hosting provider.
Today, I would like to focus on a dedicated web hosting provider that has several years of experience in the hosting industry, HostingSource!
HostingSource offers many different web hosting packages but today I want to outline what is included in some of their popular dedicated hosting plans:
Windows Dedicated Web Hosting:
HostingSource offers 8 different windows based dedicated web hosting packages. The windows packages start at only $79 per month (VERY AFFORDABLE)! The most advanced windows dedicated web hosting plan cost $349/month and includes: Core i7 Quad Intel 2.67 GHz, 8 GB of RAM, 100MBPS network speed, and much more! If you would like to learn more about the HostingSource dedicated servers you can do so by visiting the dedicated server page at HostingSource.
Linux Dedicated Web Hosting:
The Linux hosting at HostingSource is actually priced the EXACT same as the windows web hosting packages. So regardless if you want a windows or a linux server you can get them for the same price at HostingSource.
If you are looking for dedicated web hosting I would highly suggest that you consider HostingSource. In fact, if you would like to learn more about this company you can do so by reading AlreadyHosting's HostingSource review.
written by mangoorange
\\ tags: hostingsource review
In today's age it is important that everyone has a presence on the web, this includes: Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, basically everyone! It does not matter if you have just started up a business or if you have a well established business that has been around 30 years.... It is extremely important that you have a website.
Contrary to popular believe building a website and hosting it on the web does not have to be expensive! In fact, one thing that all of these professions have in common (Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Etc.) is that everyone is looking for the best service as the most affordable rate.
Lucky for each of you, our research shows that our top 3 web hosting providers each provide World Class support at a UNBELIEVABLE price! No matter which profession you are in I would highly suggest that you sign up and get your domain name and hosting with one of the following three web hosting providers:
- Bluehost
- iPage
- Hostmonster
Each of these hosts are widely known to be among the best in the world... In fact, they are actually some of the web's largest web hosting providers! The main reason I love these three hosts is because they are versatile and will work with individuals from any profession. For under $4 a month you can get unlimited bandwidth, unlimited disk space, a free domain name, world class support, and much more!
Clicking on our exclusive referral links about will enable your special promo pricing rates for these companies! I full endorse each of these hosting providers and would recommend them to any one from any profession including (but not limited to): doctors, lawyers, teachers.... Basically everyone!
written by mangoorange
\\ tags: Web Hosting, website
As you may have already noticed, Bluehost launched a completely new web design. The new design is a much needed upgrade to the web site that they have had for years. This great web hosting provider has been hosting many of my sites for years and I am glad to see that their new site design is now as good as their service!
MattHeaton, owner of Bluehost had this to say about the new design:
I guess I should mention that the old Bluehost main site has FINALLY been replaced with something decent. It was never that great to begin with and had morphed over time into a complete mess. That being said, it had great search engine rankings and helped us sign up more than 575,000 accounts! But alas, I am sad to see it go
Its been like an old friend these past 7 years!
If you are looking for hosting, Bluehost will be a great choice... They have provided us and AlreadyHosting with an exclusive $3.95 promo link... You can click that referral link below to get the special rate!
written by mangoorange
\\ tags: BlueHost, Bluehost
If you have found this website it is highly likely that you are looking for web hosting, there are thousands of good web hosting providers around the world (and also a few not-so-good ones)... We hope you will find our site useful in your search for hosting. In full disclose, many links that we have throughout our site are affiliate links; however, many of them including our Bluehost and Hostmonster affiliate links will actually get you a promotion for clicking on them.
Regardless, I wanted to write a short note to personally thank each of you for your continued support.
Jonathan Burdon
Marion, Kentucky
written by mangoorange
\\ tags: Jonathan Burdon