
My name is Jonathan. I am also the owner of one of the web’s most popular web hosting review sites. I recent acquired this sitefrom the original owner, Kah Meng Cheong, who has done an excellent job developing MangoOrange.

So, what’s happening here?
I’m going to share my tips and tricks in the area of office productivity tools, web programming, digital designing and my review of good, worth reading books and other blog articles. Besides that, I will also be featuring my portfolio and my personal projects. MangoOrange is the home of the most downloads MAC WordPress theme. Check out our free wordpress themes ( I2Theme & I3Theme ).

Why MangoOrange?
Well, both mango juice and orange juice are my favourite drinks. So, one day while I was tired of choosing which to drink, I decided to have both and it turned out much better than I thought! Very new and refreshing taste. Maybe there’s a similar fusion drink out there but nevertheless I’m proud that I found it out myself. 😛 Give it a try if you haven’t tasted it yet.

I retain the ownership of all codes, content and design of MangoOrange, exclusive of the third-party codes, content and design, which the copyrights belongs to their respective authors/creators.

I do hope for your continual support and feedback to help me keep writing and sharing my experience with everyone.