Jun 07
It is now June and we wanted to write a post to let you know of the current top 3 web hosts. Each month web hosting pricings, plans, and support are always changing and for this reason our top 3 list is also changing constantly.
So here we go... The June Best Web Hosting List:
#1 - Bluehost: Bluehost continues to excel in web hosting and using our exclusive link you can get Bluehost web hosting for only $3.95 a month!
#2 - Hostmonster: $3.95 a month web hosting, great customer support, top-notch hosting..... All of this adds up to make Hostmonster our #2 web host.
#3 - iPage: iPage is one of the fastest growing web hosting providers on the web, this company also is very affordable, only $3.50 a month!