Sep 07

Looking for a web hosting that supports WordPress?  Look no further!  The best web hosting provider for WordPress web hosting is Bluehost!  Not only do I (in my expert opinion) think that Bluehost is the best host for WordPress BUT WordPress also claims Bluehost as the best host.

Take a look:

Wordpress Recommends Bluehost

So why is Bluehost the best web hosting provider for WordPress?  The answer is simple!  Bluehost not only provides excellent customer support at an amazing rate BUT they also provide a top-of-the-line 1-click install program called “SimpleScripts” that gives members the opportunity to install WordPress & themes with just one click of the mouse!

If you are looking for affordable web hosting for your WordPress site I highly suggest Bluehost!  For more information on this host check out AlreadyHosting’s Bluehost Review!

written by mangoorange \\ tags: ,