Best Wordpress Hosting Providers

All three hosts offer FREE 1-click Wordpress installs making them the best Wordpress hosting providers.

Bluehost Review
Hostmonster Review
iPage Review

Jul 17

As you may have already noticed, Bluehost launched a completely new web design.  The new design is a much needed upgrade to the web site that they have had for years.  This great web hosting provider has been hosting many of my sites for years and I am glad to see that their new site design is now as good as their service!

MattHeaton, owner of Bluehost had this to say about the new design:

I guess I should mention that the old Bluehost main site has FINALLY been replaced with something decent. It was never that great to begin with and had morphed over time into a complete mess. That being said, it had great search engine rankings and helped us sign up more than 575,000 accounts! But alas, I am sad to see it go :) Its been like an old friend these past 7 years!

If you are looking for hosting, Bluehost will be a great choice... They have provided us and AlreadyHosting with an exclusive $3.95 promo link... You can click that referral link below to get the special rate!

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